Jewish Community of Belmonte

It’s the only peninsular community that is a legitimate heir of the ancient historical presence of the Sephardic Jews.
Throughout the time of the Inquisition, it managed to preserve many of the rites, prayers and social relations. Despite the pressure of the Catholic Portuguese society, many of “belmontenses” New Christians continued to marry only among themselves for centuries.
In 1989 the Community is officially recognized and in 1996 was inaugurated the synagogue “Beit Eliahu” (Elijah Son) precisely in one of the streets of the old Jewish quarter.
Also the Jewish Cemetery was opened in 2001.

Since 2005 is also open to the public the Jewish Museum (the only one in Portugal) that portrays the history of Sephardic presence in Portugal, their customs and traditions and includes a memorial of the Inquisition. Since 2011, the year of its foundation, Belmonte also hosts the Portuguese Network of Jewish Quarters.